Monday, Wednesday, and Friday my husband works a 12 hour shift on the ambulance. P knows this and will repeatedly ask him, "amps day" Hey he's trying, heck some adults still say "amblance". Today though he told my husband, "dah-ee, no amps day. Help work with hammer." In his little mind daddy should stay home with him today and apparently work all day with the beloved Handy Manny tools. Pat is of course his favorite.

Either of us would much rather stay home today and help him work on stuff with his hammer, read books, watch movies, build blocks, or play endless games of golf, hockey, or a combination of the two which we will call gockey. It's tons of fun to have a plastic golf club fit for a toddler and whack a plastic golf ball back and forth. Forget a hole when you can have a goal. The boy has one heck of a chip shot.
I wish life could be so simple as just saying ok, P, we will stay home today and do whatever you want. Instead we have to say, no we have to finish getting dressed so you can go to the sitter and mama and daddy have to work today. We will have the whole weekend together though. It's just not the same to spend tomorrow playing as it would have been to spend the day playing and give P what he wanted. Such is life.
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