I have no idea what I've gotten myself into. I like a few cookies with a glass of milk before bed so I picked up a pack of Double Stuff Oreos on sale. Apparently those are a huge motivator for a 2 year old to go potty more. Don't get me wrong; he's been doing good without much motivation. He doesn't care to be wet so put his little booty in a pair of Buzz Lightyear undies and he is conscious enough to go to the bathroom when he needs to. Since he gets the sitting on the potty and has no issue with it if he doesn't go potty but just sit and stand up he gets no praise.

He asked for a cookie and I asked if he would go potty for a cookie. He said yes and we went to potty. He got a cookie. Yesterday he asks for a cookie. I told him no, he needed to go potty to get a cookie. He said ok and walked off. I walk by the bathroom a few seconds later and there he sits on his froggy potty. I'm impressed because the cookie made him take initiative and go by himself. He had to turn on the light, pull
down both pants and undies, and I'm pretty sure he would have emptied his potty and pulled up his pants if I wouldn't have walked by to help. I'm all for independence, but when that independence leads to mommy having to clean up more pee than I would out of a leaky diaper I will be resuming a dictatorship. He got his cookie.
Last night he asked again for a cookie. I told him he had to potty for a cookie and off he went to the bathroom. I followed this time. He finishes, stands up, looks in the potty, looks at me, and says "oops, more". Apparently the amount didn't meet his standards. So he sat again, added a little more, and then was ready for his cookie.
This morning he asks dah-ee for a cookie. Dah-ee tells him he has to go potty and off he goes. I help since I was there anyway. The beauty of having only one bathroom to the 3 of us is knowing that it is going to be occupied by at least 1 of us 90% of the time. As soon as he is done, he jumps up and looks at dah-ee, "Cookie now" he asks in his high pitched excited voice.
We've had cookies since Saturday and he's motivated. Had I known this I would have gotten a less messy cookie or at least Oreo minis because my kid will be potty trained, but hopped up on a sugar high.
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