Monday, March 14, 2011

Get That Fire Out!

My husband is a firefighter. When we met 8 1/2 years ago he had just been promoted to Captain of his station and since that time promoted again to Battalion Chief over half of the Districts 12 stations. At 2, our son knows when the pager goes off that Dah-ee is going on a call. Many times he grabs his own little radio or my husband's actual pager, jumps in his Fisher Price fire truck, and tells me he's going on a call. He also tells me "I home" and gives me kisses when he gets done with his call. The weekend before last we watched a demonstration at the Home Show put on by the city fire department (sprinkled vs. un-sprinkled residence; sprinklers are a good idea BTW) and P has not forgotten that day and watching the fire. Somewhere along the way he has decided that instead of asking daddy to put out the fire he will tell him to.

Imagine the most serious look a 2 year old can get:
And these words: "Dah-ee, GET THAT FIRE OUT"

It is every bit a demand. What fire? Any fire I suppose. The best part is when J tells him that he will, in the sweetest voice you've ever heard he just says "ok".

On a side note: For the longest time fire trucks were just trucks with lights. He did learn to say fire truck (correctly might I add with not once a slip into accidental vulgarity). Now they range from fire truck, to big truck with lights. He told me the other night he wanted to drive a "big truck with lights" in addition it had to be a "big gween truck"

J's fire department is green trucks and we've instilled in him young that fire trucks should be green. So far the effort at saying Rescue 17 is still a lost cause. It's "Re-sue seen"

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