P is 3 now. I need to change the name of my blog. The conversations are more logical and filled with "guess what, why, and what is that." He chatters constantly and at his 3 year well-check with the doctor asked if he was stringing words together to make sentences I couldn't help but laugh. Of course at the well-check he didn't say a word. He may be a chatter box and only slightly shy, but he is no performing monkey and we can't make him do anything he doesn't want to do.

We stopped at the gas station the other day and one of the pumps had the cheesy shopping bag over the nozzle. Does every gas station every where do that or just here? Of course I didn't see it until I started to pull through (I'm a good courteous gas-getter and pull up to the first pump so that someone can pull in behind me). I had to swing the car around and find another, usable pump. Que question central from the back seat.
P: "Why we have to move?"
Me: "That one is broken; we have to go to a different one"
P: "Why go to dif'rent one?"
Me: "That one is not working."
P: "It just need batteries that all"
Me: "Oh really"
P: "Yep, batteries fix it."
A few days later, something else wasn't working in the house. It was nothing batteries could fix I can assure you. I think one of his fire trucks is on it's dying leg as far as sound is concerned.
He comes running out of his room
P: "Mama, it no workin"
Me: "What's wrong with it."
P: "See it no working"
He puts it down on the end table and takes off to that previously hidden battery location.
P: "I go get battery"
Me: "P, batteries aren't going to fix it"
He stops mid-run and matter-of-factly tells me
P: "Dah-ee put batteries in it and make it work."

He also needs batteries when he's out of energy. I'm not kidding you he will tell me that "I need en-er-gee, get me battery"
When did our world become so electronically and battery dependent that even a now 3 year old is convinced that's what keeps everything going?