You hear "Awww P" a lot at our house. It's the term of endearment when P does something that isn't exactly copacetic. Some days potty training goes well; some days we go through a lot of Buzz Lightyear and Gabba Gabba undies.
Tonight before snack
Me: P do you need to go potty?
P: No I no potty.
Me: P you need to go potty; let's go to the potty.
cue meltdown
P: No go potty; no go potty
Me: Ok if you potty in your pants I'm going to swat your booty. (It's an empty threat; I have yet to swat him for pottying in his pants even though I tell him that every time he refuses to go potty then has an accident.)

A little while later I'm loading the dishwasher and P is playing trucks in the middle of the living room. I hear "awwww....P" which of course made me giggle and ask him to repeat himself. Does this mean we've given our child a complex now that he recognizes when he does something we would find less than ideal? I walk in and he immediately says "no spank my booty" followed by "look a tree." His puddle on the sand colored living room carpet did look remarkably like a palm tree. He strolled right into the bathroom and finished going to the potty. I did not spank his booty, either, or make him clean the carpet. He likes to clean the carpet so there goes that handy "make them clean their mess" tip from the potty-training gurus. It's worse if I don't let him clean the carpet...and I didn't...let him that is; I still cleaned the carpet.
If he does good with his potty training at the sitter's then he will get a prize. The prize has never been outlined but he's gotten it into his head exactly what he's getting. On the way to the sitter this morning he was sitting quietly in the back seat when he burst out with "I go potty at Ms. B's I get a prize"
Me: Yes you do; what prize are you going to get?
P: A rabbit
Me: A rabbit?
P: Yep, a real rabbit
I love my creative little boy but that poor rabbit wouldn't survive a day with our dogs. I have no idea where he came up with that, but he's very insistent. I had rabbits when I was a growing up but I'm not so sure they are the ideal pet for a rambunctious 2 year old. I wonder if he would settle for a fish. Do they make Toy Story aquariums? I may be on to something here......