Friday, May 20, 2011

Moving, Flooding, Life

Posts have become few and far between thanks to all that is going on in our world (flooding response at work, buying and moving into a new house, etc). The same can't be said for conversations with P.

During some overtime, can't get away from work for anything hours that I put in in response to the flooding in our area a few weeks ago our sitter took P to the doctor. He was complaining of his ear hurting, his eye was goopy, and I figured while he was there he should have the random spots on his belly check out. He had an ear infection, that's why his eye was goopy, and the spots on his belly are a random virus that has to run it's course (up to 6 months+).

Somewhere in the time of having an ear infection he realized what the term "sick" meant. So this morning I have to go drag him out of bed.

Me: "It's time to get up."
P: "No, I seepin'"
Me: "C'mon you slept in, we've got to go."
P: "No I sick."
Me: "You're sick?"
P: "I says I sick."
Me: "Do you need to go to the doctor?"
P: uncovering and holding his knee "Yes, doctor. My boo-boo owie"
Me: "Well how about doctor mommy kiss it?"
P: "No, go dr. kinz"
He actually wants to go to his doctor.
Me: "Well either way you have to get up and get dressed."
P: "ok"

He even told his dah-ee that he needed to go to Dr. Kinz for his owie. Owie is a week old scab and bruise.

I missed the part in that non-existent handbook that told me the age that kids would figure out they could say they were sick to stay in bed or stay home. Who told my kid that would work?

P's new room in the making: