I wake up to a thud and crying at that wonderful hour of 3:00am. Let me tell you, I shot out of bed so fast that I launched an 80 pound Lab across the room. I found P on his knees on the floor holding his head and crying. He cuddled right in when I picked him up, we laid back in the bed, dah-ee brought milk, and we went back night-night. It wasn't until morning and time to start the day that I realized there was dried blood on P's ear and pillow. Things are all right; it was only a flesh wound.
Our morning conversation when something like this....
Me: "P, did you fall out of the bed last night?"
P: "Uh-huh. Like this" cue throwing arms above head and head falling back
P (lying on the floor in the same position I found him): "Then I cry like this; wah-ah-ah-ah"
Just like that...he didn't actually cry again he literally said "wah-ah-ah-ah"
I picked him up again and looked at his ear.
Me: "We need to go clean your ear; it was bleeding"
cue shocked expression on 2 year old's face
P: "Ah, my ear" complete with whiny voice and grabbing of wrong ear.
The next night he did not fall out of the bed, but he did show up in the bed with my husband and I at that lovely 0-3:30 hour. When I went to beg him out of bed in a good mood the next morning I thought I would remind him that he was planting flowers with the sitter. (I'm jealous. I had to spend a beautiful day confined to my office while he got to play in the garden.)
He sat up in the bed without a trace of sleep left in his voice:
Me: "Yes you will get to dig in the dirt with your shovel."
P: "Then I pour water down down down?"
Me: "Yes then you can water the flowers"
P: "No no mama. I pour water down"
Me: "Oh ok, you want to pour the water down?"
P (in the teenager duh mom your stupid tone): "Yes (nods head) I said pour water down"If he already treats me like I'm just an adult that has no idea what I'm talking about what's it going to be like in 10 years or so?